Monday, September 14, 2020

Dear EMSAC Awards Committee,
On July 20, the Summit 911 Center in Frisco, CO, was being inundated with calls for service. This included an active wildland fire at the north Summit County. While attempting to dispatch units to these multiple calls, a 911 call came in from a person who while driving through Keystone witness her husband go into cardiac arrest. The couple was visiting the area from Texas and the wife was not able to provide the 911 center with her location. Dispatchers Inger McDonald and Sarah Mumford both attempted to calm the wife to get the location and when this failed jumped into action coordinating sending resources to the area to find this person and her husband.
In the end through the exceptional effort of these two dispatchers, the husband survived and was able to return home to his wife and kids. For their outstanding effort processing, dispatching, and getting resources to find and help this person suffering from cardiac arrest, I support the nomination of Inger McDonald and Sarah Mumford for the EMSAC EMS Dispatcher-of-the-Year award.
Bill Clark
Summit Fire & EMS